Wildlife Charters - Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Contact Wildlife Charters, BC, Canada
Salmon Sportfishing trips & Salmon research trips
Bear viewing- Grizzly bears, black bears, Canada
Workshops, field trips, artistic journeys
Kayaking, relaxing, boating, touring
Whales Orca, killer whales, gray, humpback whales
Vessels & Crew at Wildlife Charters, BC, Canada

About Us
Wildlife Charters

Captain Chad White was raised on the water and has operated boats on the BC Coast since age 5.

For the last thirty years Chad has specialized in safe, comfortable accommodation and transportation in the most remote areas of the coast.

Fisheries research contracts have given him an edge finding fishing hot spots and determining run timing.

Take advantage of Chad’s extensive experience and intimate knowledge of the coast for a truly unforgettable adventure.

Kai White moved aboard the Kum-Bah-Yah when he was 22 hours old! Growing up on the ocean gave Kai a unique prospective on life, a love for fishing and a deep respect for the natural environment. His passion for fishing inherited from his grandfather Charlie, has grown into a full bore obsession. After 5 years guiding for lodges in the Haida Gwaii Kai purchased a 26ft Proline Sport Fishing Machine and joined the family business. Kai’s extensive experience navigating the local waters and knowledge of the bio diverse coastal environment makes him your ultimate guide.

Our Chef JoJo will delight you with her gourmet meals, augmented with freshly caught seafood.

Our appreciation for nature is reflected in our quest to be self-sufficient and use solar to power our camp and mother ship.










Copyright © 2004- 2017 Wildlife Charters - all rights reserved
designed & maintained by
Chameleon Creative